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Rental Property vs Stocks – The Differences

As of 2021, the most attractive investment out there is certainly stocks. Ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 in March 2020, stocks become the most preferred investment. You don’t need to leave home to invest. All you need it just an internet connection. Does it mean other investment is dead? Now, let’s look into the differences between rental property vs stocks. If you ask me, I’m very tempting to say that stocks is really a good investment.

Real Estate Investment Trust. An alternative to owning a property.

A real estate investment trust is also known as an REIT. Although the definition of a trust refers to the position of trustee, an individual responsible for financial transactions on behalf of another, it is the combined term investment trust that truly defines an REIT. It is, in its truest form, a tax designation for a corporation investing in real estate that actually may serve to reduce or even altogether eliminate corporate income tax.

Ways the Recession Can Make You Rich

It’s in the press in the past few months: Slower 4th Quarter 2016 Napic report for real estate, indicates that the recession has set in. Despite the dark forecast of grim years ahead, every cloud has a silver lining — and a recession is no different. In fact, the best deals come from the 3 Ds; deaths, divorces and defaults — three things that spike in any recession. It’s in recession that’s where you get the best deals.

Ways to Survive in Market Slowdown

The real estate market has changed compared to what it was five years ago, but that mean we will be facing rough patches ahead — and likely a couple of years of slowdown. So how can you as an investor safeguard yourself against them? Ways to Protect Yourself Historically, real estate cycle rises and falls in an 18-year property cycle like clockwork according to Phil Anderson. Periods of recession appear and recede after approximately every 14 years of rise.

Warren Buffett Proven Investment Strategies

Warren Buffett is without doubt the greatest investor of all time. He has a great track record of creating and maintaining his wealth through share investments, but many of his principles also apply to property investors. So let’s look at some of Buffett’s investment principles and see how we can apply them to our property investing. ADHERE TO A PROVEN STRATEGY Buffett’s success has often been put down to his extraordinary patience and discipline, never deviating from his proven investment strategy even when faced with short term changes in the market.