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Global Pandemic & Real Estate

Real estate has been regarded as one of the safest investments for quite some time. Despite the relative safety of real estate investments; however, there remains the possibility that the real estate market can fall like any other investment. The current global pandemic makes the whole situation worst. Over the long term, real estate still remains relatively safe simply due to the fact that the population of the world continues to increase while land is a limited resource.

Is There Really A Down Time Of The Year for Real Estate?

I wanted to share some insight and thoughts from a group of property investors and agents on whether or not there is a down time of the year for real estate. I think the question is an interesting one. While market in general may rise or fall, seasoned investors can benefit in any market. Here are some great thoughts to consider: Is There a Real Estate Off-Season? Samuel – By learning everything you can about Real Estate you will flourish, such as foreclosures, creative financing, below market deals, bulk purchase etc.

10 Ways To Find Investment Properties

If you really want the best deals in investment properties, you have to increase your odds by finding more deals. Who is more likely to get a cheap apartment building? An investor that looks through the online listings websites and calls it a day, or the one that uses ten resources? Here are the ten: Talk - Let people know you are looking and sometimes the properties will come to you.

Successful Real Estate Investor Tips

Becoming a successful real estate investor requires being able to find good real estate investment deals and put them together. Your job is not to become a closing attorney, a management expert, or a repair person. Use professionals! You must learn how to appraise and find the true value of real estate, this information will help you make better investment decisions. Realtors, appraisers, and banks determine what a property is worth by looking at comparable sales (usually three to five sales of similar property that has recently sold in the same neighbourhood).